Last Friday me and my friend Megan decided to have a night of baking and have a Christmassy sleepover at mine, although it turned out much differently than planned! We thought it would be a cool idea to make a Gingerbread house. Now I'd like to say the image down below was our creation...but nope! It went completely wrong and we were tired so we decided to make gingerbread people and other creatures. We mutually agreed that next time we would buy the kit instead. After cleaning up the mess we made in the kitchen, we decided to nom on all the chocolate and sweets we bought for decoration and watched Muse tour DVD's, which was nice!
My Ideal Image |
The next day I went to the Clothes Show Live 2013 with my mum, which is held in the NEC in Birmingham! This is an annual fashion event which seemed like an apocalypse of girls :) This was my second time going to this event and I treated my Mum with tickets. We rode on the train in First Class which was awesome but we got off the wrong stop! Anyway our hotel was lovely (Hilton hotel!) and it was right next to the NEC!
While I was there I felt a bit overwhelmed as there was so many people there and I felt uncomfortable but I still managed to enjoy myself. We did A LOT of shopping and we went to the fashion show which presented 'A weekend in the Country'. I had a feeling my mum would love this theme and she certainly did. The whole performance was so exciting and it certainly had my mum dancing along haha!
I decided to do a haul of the things which I bought, this is my first haul so don't judge me :)
I purchased some beautiful nail varnish from the Models Own stall, they had an offer of 3 nails vanishes for £10 (I mum chose one for herself) and a free goody bag. I nearly cried with happiness when I opened the goody bag, it included a glittery blue limited edition nail varnish, a lip balm stick, a brown eyeliner pencil, a black
eyeliner pencil, a shimmery black eye pencil, a black khol eyeliner pencil with smudger and sharpener attached, 4 eyeshadow applicators, a nail file and buffer, a cute
pocket mirror, and sheer sparkle lipstick.

Next I decided to buy a teeth whitening kit from the Professional Teeth Whitening stall. I don't usually care abut this sort of stuff but I just wanted to experiment. This cost about £30, but around £60 online so I though why not? I haven't tried it yet but you're supposed to apply the gel over your teeth and then apply a strip over your teeth and leave it for 20-30 minutes. This is supposed to last for 3 years if you keep it in the fridge and the woman said she usually tops up her teeth every 6 months.
I bought a lot of products from the Bomb Cosmetics stall. They had beautiful candles which were 2 for £10 and 3 bath bombs for £5. If you spent over £20 you received a free candle but I spent £15 only. I loved this shop and I will definitely order more items from here, when I get the chance (and have the money).
Last but not least I finally bought some clothes! I couldn't really see many clothes that I liked but I went to the Lily J London stall which kind of had a Japanese style with a lot of lace and pretty dresses, after a long time of deciding and bought a long sleeve blue dress with a beautiful lace design (£32) and a creme lace dress which can be worn 2 ways (£28). I also gave in and bought a pearl necklace/choker (£12 I think). I went to another shop which I think was called Tenki and bought this beautiful blue Peter Pan collared lace dress for £25 and it was buy one get one free, so my mum got a stylish jumper for free :)
After a long day walking in uncomfortable shoes and carrying so may shopping bags we headed back the hotel, had a long sleep and had a lovely meal.
The next day we went to the Bullring Shopping Centre which is HUGE! However we didn't stay too long and got the train back home. I had an amazing weekend and I really do miss it.
Thanks for reading