The Liebster Award!

So today I woke up today to found out that I had been nominated for a liebster award by Marlee from Marlee and you & Serena from SerenBird (thank you both so much! ^_^) go and check out their lovely blogs! I had never heard of this award after today but I found out that it is an award which is used to help to promote the smaller, less well known blogs which I think is an amazing idea to help discover new blogs out there.

Here are the rules!
  • Link back to the person that nominated you & answer the 11 questions which they have asked you on their blog post.
  • Choose 11 people to nominate for the Liebster award and let them know that they have been nominated. But you can't choose the person who nominated you!
  • Ask your chosen 11 nominees questions.
  • Add the Liebster award badge to your blog :)
Here are my answers to Marlee's questions!

1. Why did you start your blog?
I started my blog because I was inspired by many other blogs which I would read, I thought it would be a nice idea to create an online (public) diary about the high and low moments in my life and to share my experience with others. I've met some lovely people after creating this blog.

2. Favourite nail polish colour?
I have too many to choose from but my favourite at the moment is my Topshop matte nail polish in Balmy. It's a lovely mint colour which dries really quickly and leaves a nice smooth effect.

3. Country or City?
I am definitely a city girl! I love the big city lifestyle and I dream of moving to London or Tokyo someday.

4. What would be the first thing you'd do if you won the lottery?
I would share it out with my family, donate to charity and go travelling to all the places I wanted to visit.

5. Best girl's night treat?
I think I'm going to have to go with pizza! Me and friends love sharing a delicious pizza when we have a sleepover, it makes everyone happy!

6.What's your all-time favourite movie?
Seriously too many to choose from but one springs to mind, I would probably say Shawn of the Dead! I love horror and comedy and it's a film I can watch over and over again and never get bored of.

7. Cat or Dog?
I love dogs! I've wanted a dog for so long.

8. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
I am always visiting London and I love being there so much! There is just an endless amount of things to do. I would probably live there or maybe in Japan although I have never been there haha!

9. Favourite quote?
"Do one thing everyday that scares you" - Eleanor Roosevelt. I try my hardest to live by this quote, to help me overcome the anxiety which sometimes holds me back.

10. Favourite Youtube personality?
This question seems to be the hardest to answer because it changes all the time since I love so many youtubers that have inspired me and made an impact in my life. But I would say my favourite at the moment is Bubzbeauty or Carrie Hope Fletcher, I met her last year and she is so lovely!

11. What's your favourite thing about blogging?
Meeting new people and seeing lovely comments and recording events in my life which I can look over and smile about. Just sharing my experiences with all of you

My answers to Serena:

1) If you could have dinner with one celebrity who would that be?

Hayley Williams! I'm sure it would be pretty amazing.

2) If you could only keep one thing from your closet what would it be?

I honestly couldn't choose, it would definitely be one of my dresses though.

3) The thing you like the most about yourself

I would say I am a kind-hearted person and I am always smiling even when I'm feeling down, if I can put a smile on someone else's face that makes me happy.

4) The craziest thing you have ever done?

I'm not really a 'crazy' sort of person but I like the idea of spontaneity. Doing last minute trips to London when I should have been studying is one. Booking a last minute trip to Paris with my mum was another. 

5) The Most important thing for you?
Health and Happiness!

6) What are your expectations regarding your blog?
I hope to inspire a lot more people and to meet more people!

7) If you could change one thing?
For myself I would probably change the anxiety and panic attacks I experience and get rid of them all and also become more motivated to do things again.

8) What is the thing you can't live without?
Family and friends definitely, but sometimes it's nice to have some me time once in a while.

9) What is the first thing you do in the morning?

Have a shower or on days off go eat breakfast :)

10) What is your biggest dream?
To live a happy life and to not stress as much! I hope I end up doing something I enjoy instead of what I am doing now. 

 11) If you could be anyone who will you be?
I'm gonna go ahead and say be myself. But if I had to choose I would be Jennifer Lawrence or Beyonce!

My 11 Questions:
1. What inspired you start your blog?
2. Do you know any other languages?
3. If you could travel to anywhere right now, where would you go?
4. Do you have any pets?
5. What colour is your bedroom?
6. Favourite type of music?
7. Last book you read?
8. Last holiday you went on or do you have any planned?
9.Would you describe yourself as laid back or energetic? 
10. Favourite outfit you own and where is it from?
11. Favourite season?

My nominations... 

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  1. Aww thank you for the nominations!


  2. Aw thanks Zara! Means a lot :)
    loving your blog too!

  3. Thank you for the nomination! <3

    Kumara Lifestyle


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