I survived Second Year

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The title of this post says it all really. I got through my second year of university...how!?
Well I finished quite a few months ago but only just found out what I got, a lovely 2:1! Although my exams did bring it down, I worked my socks off in second semester and achieved the grade I wanted.

In comparison to first year, I have enjoyed second year A LOT more. I got out my comfort zone and met some great people through taking part in activities and events, I took on a work placement, I quit my job because it was making me feel miserable and stressed, having an affect my uni work. And the best thing is that it has helped me to decide on my next path after graduating, which is a relief because I feel like I can enjoy my course a bit more now.

At the beginning of this year I wasn't too hopeful about the future, but my views have definitely changed. I have some amazing plans for this year and next year, money is certainly going to be needed which is why I've taken on bank shifts at a residential care home & a nursery to help me gain experience and earn money for all the adventures I have planned.

So that means I only have one year left!!! Yes! I'm absolutely dreading third year but hopefully things will work out if I work just as hard. But for now I'm going to enjoy my Summer!
x x x

Counselling and comfort zones

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Not too long ago I had my last counselling session and I realised how much it has helped me over the year.
Going to my university health and wellbeing services was the best decision I've ever made, I was at a point in my life where I was really lost,  scared of everything and just consumed by anxiety. I'm so glad my GP encouraged me to go for it as I was really reluctant and thought propranolol alone would help me.

Counselling was new to me as it allowed me just to talk which I don't usually do, I'm pretty good at bottling up my thoughts and putting a mask over my feelings which can be tiresome and can cause you to snap at any moment. 
It was nice to get things off my chest and work on different areas of my life. Since starting my session I have dealt with so many issues and taken on things I never thought I could.
I've started visiting my Dad, taken on new opportunities, left opportunities that were stressing me out, took a driving test (even though I failed), decided what I want to do in the future and I'm taking a solo flight to america this year to travel with my friend. 

It made me realise that:
1. Life is to be enjoyed 
2. If you really want something only you can go out and make it happen
3. Stepping outside your comfort zone can actually reduce your anxiety a bit at a time
4. Your mental illness does not control you, it's up to you to control it to take back your life
5. Having a panic attack or just a bad day is not the end of the world! Be proud you got through it and start again tomorrow
6. Your illness doesn't define you

I've been going through a lack of self-belief and doubt lately, but I've got so much to look forward to that I shouldn't be feeling low. Anyway I will continue to tackle whatever life throws at me and I aim to try lots of new things this summer!

x x x
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